I haven't been making much progress on the guide, but there are a few bits of information added.  First thing is I finally got the right location for that damned Dark Matter in Halloween Town.  Next up I got around to completing the Trinity list which should get you guys another trophy.  I also made a start on the rare heartless guide, explaining White Mushrooms and Rare Truffles, only needing to update exact locations of the Rare Truffles, as there is only the worlds listed at the moment.

As for Gaming wise, I haven't done much trophy hunting lately, just been messing about on GTA V, however I will be picking Kingdom Hearts up again soon to make some progress on my Level Master Trophy, which is turning out to be aright pain in the ass. 
So I completed the list of enemies and where to find them, I plan on updating the guide with some hints and tips on defeating the rare Heartless.  I Also added some edits to the Synthesis page with material locations and did the first couple of Blue Trinity marks.

I don't really have chance to get some gaming done, not as much as I used to anyway, so there has been very little progress on the trophy front.  With that in mind, me and a mate have organised a GTA night tomorrow and next week for GTA online, good times.
So I started up this website so that I can help out other trophy hunters after all the help that I've received of the last 3 years.  I started out with one of my favorite games, Kingdom Hearts.  Thanks to the HD remake of this awesome game I can now show off some shiny trophies as proof of my accomplishments.

I also thought that it would be cool to keep people update at what i'm doing gaming wise.

So lets start here, right now, i'm flicking between the First Kingdom Hearts game and GTA V. Yeah, I know, your all probably tired of hearing about GTA V, so I won't mention it.  However KH is amazing and l


    Drumming_Blitz is Trophy hunter, who after all the help he has received wanted to give something back to  the community.


    October 2013
    September 2013

